
Recent Additions (Last 1000)

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  1. The art of falconry : being the de arte venandi cum avibus of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  2. Asbestos and salamander : an essay in Chinese and Hellenistic folk-lore   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  3. Zellen- und gewebelehre, morphologie und entwicklungsgeschichte v.1   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  4. Tree-wound dressings   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  5. Biennial report of the State Board of Fish Commissioners no.12 (1897)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  6. Ostwalds Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften v.209 (1923)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  7. County report v.10:PLATES(1963)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  8. Farm forestry extension : extension subject-matter seminar conference, March 5, 1946   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  9. Some common Colorado wild flowers   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  10. Comptes-rendus des séances de la Société entomologique de Belgique 1879 (Incompl.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  11. A comprehensive scheme for describing apomorphine-induced behavior in rats   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  12. Biennial report of the State Board of Fish Commissioners no.6 (1885)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  13. News-letter of the Office of Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations v.1-2:2 1913-14   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  14. A history of British butterflies   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  15. Proceedings of the National Science Club, Washington, D.C 1897   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  16. Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  17. County report v.8:PLATES(1963)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  18. Illustrations of British birds   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  19. Illustrations of British birds   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  20. Nuove relazioni intorno ai lavori no.5 1903   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  21. The new botanist's guide to the localities of the rarer plants of Britain ; on the plan of Turner and Dillwyn's Botanist's guide Copy 1, Vol. 2   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  22. Zellen- und gewebelehre, morphologie und entwicklungsgeschichte v.2   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  23. Suggestions for extension workers in boll weevil control   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  24. Tree-wound dressings   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  25. Illustrations of British birds   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  26. Illustrations of British birds   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  27. Karyotypes and evolution of the spinosus group of lizards in the genus Sceloporus no. 2431   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  28. Systematics and evolution in Diglossa (Aves, Coerebidae) no. 2381   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  29. Infraorbital bones and their bearing on the phylogeny and geography of osteoglossomorph fishes no. 2394   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  30. North American spiders of the genus Bathyphantes (Araneae, Linyphiidae) no. 2364   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  31. Catalogo con la terapia lista de precios de los productos de The Izamal Chemical Co 1908   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  32. The Hapalodectinae and a phylogeny of the Mesonychidae (Mammalia, Condylarthra) no. 2361   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  33. The caudal skeleton of the catfishes, order Siluriformes no. 2398   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  34. A saurischian dinosaur from the Triassic of Brazil no. 2405   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  35. Biology and immature stages of Moroccan panurgine bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) no. 2457   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  36. Palestine Exploration Fund : quarterly statement 1900   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  37. Notes on the habits of some Argentine and Peruvian woodpeckers (Aves, Picidae) no. 2413   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  38. Deciduous dentition of the early Tertiary Phenacodontidae (Condylarthra, Mammalia) no. 2461   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  39. The ecological geography of cloud forest in Panama no. 2396   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  40. Identity of the type-specimens of Sciurus aureogaster F. Cuvier and Sciurus nigrescens Bennett (Mammalia, Sciuridae) no. 2438   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  41. A generic review of the stenomyline camels no. 2353   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  42. Changing preference for substrate color by reproductively active mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard) (Poeciliidae, Atheriniformes) no. 2397   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  43. The small Cretaceous dinosaur Dromaeosaurus no. 2380   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  44. Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 93 Reidentification and reallocation of Mus callitrichus and allocations of Rattus maculipilis, R.m. jentinki, and R. microbullatus (Rodentia, Muridae) no. 2440   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  45. Additional Middle Eocene (Bridgerian) mammals from Tabernacle Butte, Sublette County, Wyoming no. 2404   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  46. Weevils of the tribe Sipalini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae) Part 1 The genera Rhinostomus and Yuccaborus no. 2419   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  47. Weevils of the tribe Sipalini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae) Part 3 The genus Sipalinus no. 2463   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  48. Pharyngeal denticles (placoid scales) of sharks, with notes on the dermal skeleton of vertebrates no. 2415   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  49. New species of Thalamoporella (Ectoprocta) from Hawaii, examined by scanning electron microscopy no. 2417   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  50. Spears and spear-throwers of the Western Desert aborigines of Australia no. 2403   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  51. Mohave and Washo role behavior no. 2330   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  52. The Academy newsletter no.593 (1989:Oct.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  53. The Academy newsletter no.592 (1989:Sep.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  54. The Academy newsletter no.590 (1989:Jun.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  55. On some species of Gnathostomulida from Bimini, Bahamas no. 2356   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  56. The Academy newsletter (1979:Apr.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  57. The Academy newsletter (1989:Jan.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  58. Opisthobranchian and lamellarian gastropods collected by the "Vema" no. 2368   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  59. A revision of the Tertiary fossil species of the Kalotermitidae (Isoptera) no. 2359   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  60. The Academy newsletter (1989:Nov.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  61. The Academy newsletter (1989:Nov.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  62. The Academy newsletter (1989:Sep.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  63. The Academy newsletter (1990:Mar.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  64. The Academy newsletter (1989:Jul.-Aug.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  65. The Academy newsletter (1989:Oct.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  66. The Academy newsletter (1977:Sep.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  67. Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 90 Notes on the echidnas (Mammalia, Tachyglossidae) of New Guinea no. 2383   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  68. Snakes of the genus Coniophanes in Panama no. 2372   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  69. The Academy newsletter (1950:Aug.-Sep.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  70. The Academy newsletter no.589 (1989:May)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  71. Notes on birds from the Tamrau Mountains, New Guinea no. 2420   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  72. The Academy newsletter no.594 (1989:Nov.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  73. Notes on the biology of Chapman's swift Chaetura chapmani (Aves, Apodidae) no. 2320   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  74. A check list of the New World venomous coral snakes (Elapidae), with descriptions of new forms no. 2287   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  75. Weevils of the tribe Sipalini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae) Part 2 The genera Mesocordylus and Orthognathus no. 2441   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  76. Karyotypes of the five monotypic species groups of lizards in the genus Sceloporus no. 2450   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  77. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute v.3 (1968)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  78. The genus Conepatus (Mammalia, Mustelidae) : variation within a population no. 2322   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  79. The genus Proterix (Insectivora, Erinaceidae) of the Upper Oligocene of North America no. 2315   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  80. The Academy newsletter (1989:Sep.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  81. The Academy newsletter no.587 (1989:Mar.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  82. Mechanics of one- and two-joint muscles no. 2319   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  83. Paleocene amphibians from Cernay, France no. 2295   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  84. Pleistocene edentates of the West Indies no. 2304   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  85. Speciation in Colombian forest birds west of the Andes no. 2294   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  86. The composition of the Belly River, Bluff, BremervoМ€rde, and Modoc meteorites no. 2280   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  87. Florula Belgica, operis majoris prodromus, auctore B.C. Dumortier. Staminacia   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  88. Status of Simidectes (Insectivora, Pantolestoidea) of the late Eocene of North America no. 2455   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  89. The scorpions of the Vejovis boreus group (subgenus Paruroctonus) in North America (Scorpionida, Vejovidae) no. 2278   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  90. Systematics and evolution of the Gruiformes (class, Aves) 1, The Eocene family Geranoididae and the early history of the Gruiformes no. 2388   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  91. A review of the Bathornithidae (Aves, Gruiformes), with remarks on the relationships of the suborder Cariamae no. 2326   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  92. The genus Dryptocephala Laporte (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae) no. 2256   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  93. Biology, immature stages, and phylogenetic relationships of fideliine bees, with the description of a new species of Neofidelia (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) no. 2427   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  94. The Cretaceous teleostean fish Cimolichthys from the Niobrara Formation of Kansas and the Pierre Shale of Wyoming no. 2434   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  95. The Academy newsletter (1989:Dec.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  96. Review of the biology of panurgine bees, with observations on North American forms (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) no. 2297   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  97. The composition of the Barrata, Carraweena, Kapoeta, Mooresfort, and Ngawi meteorites no. 2273   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  98. Belonion, a new genus of fresh-water needlefishes from South America no. 2274   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  99. The spider family Uloboridae in North America north of Mexico no. 2196   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  100. A new fish of the genus Xiphophorus from Guatemala, with remarks on the taxonomy of endemic forms no. 2379   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  101. Uintasoricinae, a new subfamily of early Tertiary mammals (?Primates) no. 2363   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  102. Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 91 A new genus and species of murid rodent from Celebes, with a discussion of its relationships no. 2384   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  103. The Academy newsletter (1979:Apr.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  104. South American snakes related to Lygophis boursieri : a reappraisal of Rhadinaea antioquiensis, Rhadinaea tristriata, Coronella whymperi, and Liophis atahuallpae no. 2385   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  105. The Carboniferous amphibian Tuditanus (Eosauravus) and the distinction between microsaurs and reptiles no. 2337   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  106. Bulletin v.137 (1955)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  107. The Picrodontidae, a family of early primates no. 2329   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  108. A new species of Bufo from Africa, with comments on the toads of the Bufo regularis complex no. 2345   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  109. A new genus and species of dwarf boa from southern Mexico no. 2354   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  110. The Academy newsletter (1989:Jul.-Aug.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  111. The Academy newsletter (1989:Mar.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  112. The European adapid primates Agerina and Pronycticebus no. 2466   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  113. The Academy newsletter (1977:Sep.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  114. The Academy newsletter no.595 (1989:Dec.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  115. The Academy newsletter (1989:May)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  116. The braincase of the holostean fish Macrepistius, with comments on neurocranial ossification in the Actinopterygii no. 2459   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  117. Redescription and geographic variation of Monopeltis guentheri Boulenger (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia) no. 2464   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  118. Studying role behavior cross-culturally : comparison of a matrilineal and a bilateral society no. 2437   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  119. Radular anatomy and systematics of the west American Conidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) no. 2414   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  120. Hinge grades in the evolution of crassatellacean bivalves as revealed by Permian genera no. 2328   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  121. The Academy newsletter (1951:Feb.-Mar.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  122. The Academy newsletter no.591 (1989:Aug.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  123. The Academy newsletter no.588 (1989:Apr.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  124. The Academy newsletter (1989:Dec.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  125. The Academy newsletter (1989:Jun.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  126. The Academy newsletter (1950:Aug.-Sep.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  127. The Academy newsletter (1990:Mar.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  128. The Academy newsletter (1951:Feb.-Mar.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  129. The variations and affinities of the dwarf boas of the genus Ungaliophis no. 2340   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  130. The Academy newsletter (2005:Fall)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  131. A revision of the geology and paleontology of the Bijou Hills, South Dakota no. 2300   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  132. A new subspecies of Icterus icterus and other notes on the birds of northern South America no. 2270   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  133. A new species of Abronia (Sauria, Anguidae) from the Sierra Madre del Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico no. 2279   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  134. Preliminary results of an ornithological exploration of the North Coastal Range, New Guinea no. 2362   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  135. Bulletin v.139 (1957)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  136. The Academy newsletter (1989:Feb.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  137. Animal keepers' forum v.48:no.11 (2021:Nov.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  138. The Academy newsletter (1990:Jan.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  139. Reproduction of Cnemidophorus inornatus and Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (Sauria, Teiidae) in northern New Mexico no. 2442   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  140. The Academy newsletter (1989:May)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  141. The Academy newsletter (1989:Apr.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  142. The morphology of Eodiscoglossus, a complete Jurassic frog no. 2424   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  143. The avifaunua of the Impenetrable Forest, Uganda no. 2389   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  144. The Academy newsletter no.585 (1989:Jan.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  145. Bulletin v.138 (1957)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  146. A skull of Hemipsalodon (Mammalia, Deltatheridia) from the Clarno Formation of Oregon no. 2387   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  147. Descriptions and redescriptions of species of the blackfly genus Simulium from the northern Andes (Simuliidae, Diptera) no. 2447   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  148. The Academy newsletter (1989:Oct.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  149. The Academy newsletter (1989:Jun.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  150. The Academy newsletter (1990:Feb.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  151. The Academy newsletter (1990:Jan.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  152. New salamanders of the plethodontid genus Pseudoeurycea from the Sierra Madre del Sur of Mexico no. 2314   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  153. The Academy newsletter (1990:Feb.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  154. Sympatry of red-breasted meadowlarks in Argentina, and the taxonomy of meadowlarks (Aves, Leistes, Pezites, and Sturnella) no. 2349   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  155. Family background and occupational goals of school children of the Union Territory of Delhi, India no. 2348   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  156. Evolution of mammalian dental enamel no. 2360   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  157. An analysis and breakdown of the genus Platycarenus Fieber (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae) no. 2255   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  158. Population ecology of a Bahamian suprabenthic shore fish assemblage no. 2528   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  159. The origin, character, and decline of an early civilization no. 2302   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  160. The composition of the Bath, Frankfort, Kakangari, Rose City, and Tadjera meteorites no. 2272   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  161. The affinities of Apterodon (Mammalia, Deltatheridia, Hyaenodontidae) no. 2293   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  162. Comparative morphology of the male reproductive tract in the rodent genus Peromyscus (Muridae) no. 2355   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  163. A review of the genera of grouse (Aves, Tetraoninae) no. 2289   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  164. A Jurassic pterosaur from Cuba no. 2370   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  165. The nawradii species group of Rhodobaenus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae) no. 2310   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  166. Systematic notes on the bird family Cracidae No. 10 The genera Mitu and Pauxi and the generic relationships of the Cracini no. 2307   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  167. The Academy newsletter no.586 (1989:Feb.)   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  168. Birds of the Schrader Mountain region, New Guinea : results of the American Museum of Natural History expedition to New Guinea in 1964 no. 2343   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  169. William Brewster correspondence. Letters from Nathan Clifford Brown   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  170. The spider genus Tegenaria in the Western Hemisphere (Agelenidae) no. 2323   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  171. Hybridization in nature between parthenogenetic and bisexual species of whiptail lizards (genus Cnemidophorus) no. 2286   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  172. Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique t.25 (1898-1899)   (added: 11/17/2023 )
  173. Queensland Agricultural Journal new ser. vol. 18-19 (1921-1922)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  174. A review of the Mastotermitidae (Isoptera), including a new fossil genus from Brazil no. 2236   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  175. The patterns of sexuality and the classification of serranid fishes no. 2207   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  176. Atemnid and cheliferid pseudoscorpions, chiefly from Florida no. 2198   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  177. The hyobranchial apparatus of teleostean fishes of the families Engraulidae and Chirocentridae no. 2410   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  178. A review of the North American moths of the genus Cleora (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) no. 2482   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  179. The Renazzo meteorite no. 2106   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  180. Diurnal and seasonal behavior patterns among adults of Protoxaea gloriosa (Hymenoptera, Oxaeidae) no. 2509   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  181. A new water snake from Mexico, with notes on anal plates and apical pits in Natrix and Thamnophis no. 2060   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  182. Eocene Balanidae of Florida, including a new genus and species with a unique plan of "turtle-barnacle" organization no. 2288   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  183. North American cave pseudoscorpions of the genus Kleptochthonius, subgenus Chamberlinochthonius (Chelonethida, Chthoniidae) no. 2234   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  184. A gazetteer to accompany the "Insecta" volumes of the "Biologia centrali-americana" no. 2099   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  185. Birds of the western slope of the Andes of Peru no. 2028   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  186. A list of Cerambycidae from the Chiricahua Mountain area, Cochise County, Arizona (Coleoptera) no. 2050   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  187. The murine opossums (genus Marmosa) of the West Indies ; and, The description of a new subspecies of Rhipidomys from Little Tobago no. 2070   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  188. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Western Mexico 19 The Recent mollusks, Gastropoda, Strombacea, Tonnacea, and Cymatiacea no. 2153   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  189. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds No. 49 Columbidae, the genus Streptopelia no. 2058   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  190. New Tertiary teleosts from Argentina no. 2041   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  191. Notes on the honey buzzards of eastern Asia no. 2111   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  192. Notes on amphisbaenids (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia) 5 A redefinition and a bibliography of Amphisbaena alba LinneМЃ no. 2105   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  193. Comments on the relationships of the North American cave fishes of the family Amblyopsidae no. 2109   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  194. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Hunnewell, Mr.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  195. The systematic status of Perognathus artus and Perognathus goldmani (Rodentia) no. 2184   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  196. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Western Mexico 18 Cyclostomata, Ctenostomata (Ectoprocta), and Entoprocta of the Gulf of California no. 2144   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  197. Variation in and distribution of the unisexual lizard, Cnemidophorus tesselatus no. 2235   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  198. Cretaceous fishes from Bolivia, with comments on pristid evolution no. 2159   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  199. A review of the silverfish (Lepismatidae, Thysanura) of the United States and the Caribbean area no. 2481   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  200. The neotropical genus Labiotermes (Holmgren) : its phylogeny, distribution, and ecology (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) no. 2208   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  201. Notes on amphisbaenids (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia) 13 A systematic review of Anops Bell, 1833 no. 2186   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  202. Annual report to the Board of Trustees 1997   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  203. The summer fish communities of Brier Creek, Marshall County, Oklahoma no. 2458   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  204. Testudo amphithorax Cope referred to Stylemys no. 2120   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  205. New poeciliid fishes from Guatemala, with comments on the origins of some South and Central American forms no. 2303   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  206. A new toadfish (Batrachoididae) considered to be a glacial relict in the West Indies no. 2047   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  207. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Moore, Miss   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  208. On the shoulder girdle of the mammalian subclass Allotheria no. 2066   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  209. On the palate, dentition, and classification of the fossil reptile Endothiodon and related genera no. 2171   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  210. A gliding reptile from the Triassic of New Jersey no. 2246   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  211. The spiders of the genus Islandiana (Linyphiidae, Erigoninae) no. 2221   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  212. Spectrographic analysis of variation in the songs of a population of blue-winged warblers (Vermivora pinus) no. 2176   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  213. Systematic notes on the bird family Cracidae No. 2 Relationships and geographical variation of Ortalis vetula, Ortalis poliocephala, and Ortalis leucogastra no. 2222   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  214. Systematic studies in the tribe Neominthoini (Diptera, Tachinidae) no. 2135   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  215. Flore cryptogamique des environs de Louvain, ou description des plantes cryptogames et agames qui croissent dans le Brabant et dans une partie de la province d'Anvers   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  216. Termites (Isoptera) of Burma no. 2210   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  217. A revision of the South American gekkonid lizard genus Homonota Gray no. 2193   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  218. Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 87 Biological notes on some Floridian wasps (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) no. 2201   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  219. The composition of the Forest City, Tennasilm, Weston, and Geidam meteorites no. 2220   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  220. Flore de Fraipont, Nessonvaux et leurs environs, y compris toute la Vallée de la Vesdre, depuis Limbourg jusqu'à Chênée, le cours de l'Ourthe, depuis Hamoire jusqu'à la Meuse, les cours de la Hoëgne et le ruisseau dit le Waag, depuis Sart jusqu'à Pepinster, les bords de l'Amblêve, depuis Nanceveux jusqu'à Douflamme et depuis Stavelot à la Cascade de Coo, les bords de la Meuse, d'Ougrée à Herstal, Ile Moncin et Jupille. Exploration par la Société, sous la direction de Mr M. Michel ... Étude des plantes récoltées depuis 1869 jusqu'en 1876   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  221. A revision of the genus Borgmeiermyia Townsend (Diptera, Tachinidae) no. 2133   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  222. Results of the 1958-1959 Gilliard New Britain Expedition 3 Notes on the frogs of New Britain no. 2023   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  223. The Harappan civilization : new evidence and more theory no. 2055   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  224. Flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) of Middle America no. 2059   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  225. Coral banks occurring in deep water on the Blake Plateau no. 2114   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  226. New species and subspecies of North American Archipini, with notes on other species (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) no. 2101   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  227. Eupetaurus and the living petauristine sciurids no. 2104   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  228. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Western Mexico 15 The littoral balanomorph Cirripedia no. 2084   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  229. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Parker, Miss   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  230. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Barbour, T.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  231. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Elliot, Mrs.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  232. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients [Unknown]   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  233. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Hayward, R.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  234. Birds collected on Batanta, off western New Guinea, by E. Thomas Gilliard in 1964 no. 2258   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  235. The ecology and migrations of sea turtles 5 Comparative features of isolated green turtle colonies no.2091 (1962)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  236. American Museum novitates no.2091 (1962)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  237. American Museum novitates no.2248 (1966)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  238. The ecology and migrations of sea turtles 6 The hawksbill turtle in the Caribbean Sea no.2248 (1966)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  239. Ritualistic combat of male gopher snakes, Pituophis melanoleucus affinis (Reptilia, Colubridae) no.2245 (1966)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  240. American Museum novitates no.2245 (1966)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  241. Notes on amphisbaenids (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia) 8 A redescription of Amphisbaena stejnegeri and the description of a new species of Amphisbaena from British Guiana no. 2128   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  242. Palestine Exploration Fund : quarterly statement 1896   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  243. Primitive Paleocene and Eocene Apatemyidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) and the primate-insectivore boundary no. 2160   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  244. Some gastrodelphyid copepods from the Pacific Coast of North America no. 2194   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  245. A redescription of, and geographic variation in, Liophis miliaris LinneМЃ, the common water snake of southeastern South America no. 2178   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  246. New evidence against tupaioid affinities of the mammalian family Anagalidae no. 2158   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  247. Anopina, a new genus of the Cnephasiini from the New World (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) no. 2082   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  248. Some new species of Pseudopanurgus of the subgenus Heterosarus Robertson (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) no. 2185   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  249. New species of the genus Glyptotermes Froggatt from the Papuan, Oriental, Ethiopian, and Neotropical regions (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae) no. 2089   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  250. Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 83 Frogs of the microhylid genus Cophixalus from the mountains of New Guinea no. 2087   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  251. The arachnid order Solpugida in the United States Supplement 1 no. 2092   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  252. A new Triassic procolophonid from Pennsylvania no. 2022   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  253. Isolation mechanisms in toads of the Bufo debilis group in Arizona and western Mexico no. 2100   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  254. A new subgenus and species of Cymatium (Mollusca, Gastropoda) no. 2137   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  255. Deep sea corals collected by the Lamont Geological Observatory 2 Scotia Sea corals no. 2046   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  256. A new species of swift of the genus Cypseloides from Colombia no. 2117   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  257. The pseudoscorpion genus Kleptochthonius Chamberlin (Chelonethida, Chthoniidae) no. 2063   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  258. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Bolles, Mrs.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  259. Status of forms described or recorded by J.A. Allen in "The American Museum Congo Expedition collection of bats" no. 2219   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  260. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Morrill, J.S.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  261. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Western Mexico 20 The Recent mollusks, Gastropoda, Harpidae, Vasidae, and Volutidae no. 2202   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  262. American Museum novitates no.2483 (1972)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  263. Morphology and vocalizations of Synallaxis unirufa and Synallaxis castanea (Furnariidae, Aves), with comments on other Synallaxis no.2483 (1972)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  264. The genus Aphanaia Koninck, 1877, Permian representative of the Inoceramidae no.2252 (1966)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  265. American Museum novitates no.2252 (1966)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  266. Miscellaneous notes and comments on toads, lizards, and snakes from Mexico no. 2205   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  267. The larvae of the Anthophoridae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part 2 The Nomadinae no. 2244   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  268. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Woodruff, L.B.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  269. Paracanthoceras wyomingense (Reagan) from the Western Interior of the United States and from Alberta (Ammonoidea) no. 2151   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  270. A systematic revision of Macrotus (Chiroptera) no. 2212   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  271. The Ectoprocta (Bryozoa) of Scammon's Lagoon, Baja California, Mexico no. 2199   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  272. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Mass. Aud. Soc.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  273. Frogs of the genus Platymantis (Ranidae) in New Guinea, with the description of a new species no. 2374   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  274. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Harrison, Miss   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  275. Systematic notes on the bird family Cracidae No. 6 Reviews of nine species of Penelope no. 2251   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  276. Notes on amphisbaenids (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia) 17 A redescription and discussion of Amphisbaena angustifrons Cope and Amphisbaena camura Cope of southern South America no. 2225   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  277. The Field Museum collections and research : Academic Affairs, Center for Evolutionary and Environmental Biology (CEEB), Center for Cultural Understanding and Change (CCUC) 1996   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  278. Paleomoropus, a new early Eocene chalicothere (Mammalia, Perissodactyla), and a revision of Eocene chalicotheres no. 2179   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  279. Notes on flowerpeckers (Aves, Dicaeidae) 5 The genera Oreocharis, Paramythia, and Pardalotus (except the superspecies Pardalotus striatus) no. 2067   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  280. A review of the Jamaican species of the genus Exophthalmus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Otiorhynchinae) no. 2062   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  281. Two new bats from Trinidad, with comments on the status of the genus Mesophylla no. 2080   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  282. Flore cryptogamique de la Belgique. 1re partie, Muscinées   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  283. New species of Pseudopanurgus from Arizona (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) no. 2298   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  284. Bulletin v.135 (1955)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  285. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds No. 45 Falconidae, the genus Falco no. 2038   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  286. The spread of existing diurnal squirrels across the Bering and Panamanian land bridges no. 2044   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  287. Notes on amphisbaenids (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia) 7 Redescription and redefinition of Amphisbaena mitchelli Procter and Amphisbaena slevini Schmidt from the middle and lower Amazon, Brazil no. 2127   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  288. American bats of the genus Vampyressa, with the description of a new species no. 2125   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  289. Palestine Exploration Fund : quarterly statement 1899   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  290. A revision of the genera Carphoides, Paraphoides, and Galenara (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) no. 2189   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  291. Bulletin v.136 (1955)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  292. The ecology of a population of Xantusia vigilis, the desert night lizard no. 2247   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  293. Palestine Exploration Fund : quarterly statement 1898   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  294. The genus Eurystethus Mayr, with the descriptions of new species (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Discocephalinae) no. 2254   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  295. The chemical composition of olivine-bronzite and olivine-hypersthene chondrites no. 2223   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  296. Evidence for the specific status of the water snake Natrix fasciata no. 2122   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  297. Runningwater Formation, Middle Miocene of Nebraska no. 2227   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  298. The classification of the olive warbler, Peucedramus taeniatus no. 2103   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  299. On the trigeminus muscles of the lizards Xenosaurus grandis and Shinisaurus crocodilurus no. 2017   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  300. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute v.1 (1964-1967)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  301. Notes on flowerpeckers (Aves, Dicaeidae) 6 The superspecies Pardalotus striatus no. 2068   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  302. Notes on flowerpeckers (Aves, Dicaeidae) 4 Dicaeum igniferum and its derivatives no. 2057   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  303. American Museum novitates no.2102 (1962)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  304. Notes on Eocene Mammalia and Mollusca from Tabernacle Butte, Wyoming no.2102 (1962)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  305. Petite flore de Belgique à l'usage des écoles   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  306. Experiments on species discrimination in Myiarchus flycatchers no.2126 (1963)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  307. American Museum novitates no.2126 (1963)   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  308. A phytosaur from North Bergen, New Jersey no. 2230   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  309. A new species of toad (Bufo) indigenous to southern Ceylon no. 2269   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  310. Observations on the nests and behavior of Trigona in Australia and New Guinea (Hymenoptera, Apidae) no. 2026   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  311. Two new genera of the Germariini from the western Nearctic, with notes on related genera (Diptera, Tachinidae) no. 2157   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  312. Descriptions of and notes on North and Central American species of Argyrotaenia, with the description of a new genus (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) no. 2048   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  313. Plantae Thonnerianae Congolenses ou Enumération des plantes récoltées en 1896 par M. Fr. Thonner dans le district des Bangales   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  314. Species-limits of Rattus brahma, a murid rodent of northeastern India and northern Burma no. 2406   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  315. The meteorite and tektite collection of the American Museum of Natural History no. 2190   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  316. New records of bats from Trinidad and comments on the status of Molossus trinitatus Goodwin no. 2195   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  317. On Paedisca radicana and the type species of the genus Griselda (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Olethreutinae) no. 2213   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  318. A revision of the genera Anavinemina and Vinemina (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) no. 2172   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  319. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Western Mexico 13 Ascophoran Cheilostomata (Bryozoa) of the Gulf of California no. 2053   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  320. Results of the Puritan-American Museum of Natural History Expedition to Western Mexico 17 The Recent mollusks, Gastropoda, Cypraeacea no. 2136   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  321. A new tetragonopterine characid fish from Guatemala no. 2435   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  322. The pallasites no. 2163   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  323. Palestine Exploration Fund : quarterly statement 1897   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  324. The composition of the Richardton, Estacado, and Knyahinya meteorites no. 2154   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  325. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Wilson, J.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  326. William Brewster correspondence. Recipients Williams, Mrs.   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  327. The curculionid beetles collected on the Explorers Club-American Museum of Natural History Entomological Expedition to Yucatan, Mexico, in 1952 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) no. 2086   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  328. The ecology, phylogeny, and taxonomy of Stilicolina (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae) no. 2412   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  329. Gladiolus, spring list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  330. Comstock for dahlias, top national winners 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  331. Price list : spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  332. Hardy English ivy, selected strains 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  333. Seeds and bulbs : 1958 catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  334. 1958 season 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  335. 1958 : nurserymen, landscape contractors 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  336. Coker's pedigreed tobacco seed : 1958 season 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  337. Annual spring green thumb sale! 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  338. Order list - fall 1958 : quality packaged bulbs 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  339. Price list : spring 1958, fall 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  340. Irises of distinction : 1958 : twelfth annual catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  341. Gladiolus news 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  342. 1958 - catalog - 1958 : rock plants - alpines - primroses 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  343. Special summer discount orchid plant price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  344. P.D. Fulwood Co., growers and shippers, high grade vegetable plants since 1909, Tifton, Georgia 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  345. Daylilies 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  346. East's Nursery : everblooming roses 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  347. Emlong's 1958 spring garden guide 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  348. 1958 price list : fall 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  349. Nut tree catalogue, spring 1958, 39th year : hardy, fast growing, early producing, native & foreign varieties 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  350. Our 67th year, 1891-1958 : Champion Nurseries, wholesale price list, fall 1957 - spring 1958, Perry, Ohio, big enough to supply your needs, not too big to appreciate your business 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  351. Spring-flowering bulbs 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  352. 1957-1958 catalog 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  353. Iris summer and fall 1958, daylilies summer and fall 1958, spring 1959 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  354. Rhododendrons : retail price list, spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  355. Fall 1958 : September 2nd. : general line of stock, wholesale only 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  356. Wholesale price list for spring 1958 : let our quality be your guide to better seedlings, our aim-the best, bar none, at the most reasonable price 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  357. Wholesale list : season 1958-1959 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  358. Wholesale price list : evergreen seedlings and transplants, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  359. Retail price list, "the best of the new, the choicest of the old" 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  360. Fall bulb list - 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  361. Easter parade of plants : 1856-1958, our second century of knowing and growing what the public prefers 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  362. GLF home garden retail prices 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  363. Partial list, plants to be sold thru Cornelius Nurseries on a brokerage basis 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  364. A catalogue for daylily lovers, 1958 : hemerocallis 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  365. Wholesale price list for 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  366. Wholesale price list, spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  367. List of seeds new, rare and unusual varieties of flowers, vegetables, fruits, shrubs, trees etc 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  368. Fancy leaved caladium in color 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  369. Gloxinias, tub. begonias, f. l. caladiums and exotic plants! 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  370. Fall 1958, spring 1959 fruit and garden book 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  371. Spring list - 1958 : "newest of new and choicest of old varieties" 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  372. Dwarf apple tree list, March 1, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  373. Plant cottage gardens' lining-out stock : a profitable, safe investment! : make this green stuff grow! 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  374. Nursery, orchard and Christmas trees : spring 1958, top quality evergreen stock 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  375. Dahlias of quality and distinction : 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  376. Mother's Day - May 11, 1958 : quality built our reputation ... and keeps us growing 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  377. 1958 wholesale price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  378. Wholesale price list : fall 1958 and spring 1959 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  379. General ornamentals : field grown 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  380. 1958 : seeds, since 1820 : growers and dealers in "uniformly good" vegetable, flower, and grass seeds, fertilizers, garden supplies 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  381. Price list for field grown vegetable plants for 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  382. G.L.F. garden seed commercial price list - 1958 season : basis of supplies on hand and subject to change without notice 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  383. Wholesale price list for spring 1958 : lining-out stock 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  384. For more corn... better corn... on your farm, plant Coker hybrids 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  385. Dibble's price list : January 20, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  386. G.L.F. garden seed descriptive list of vegetable varieties : for commercial growers, for home gardeners 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  387. Native hardy trees, shrubs, perennials and ferns : good strong plants, ready for landscape and nursery planting 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  388. World famous flower and vegetable seeds 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  389. North American glads : for North American gardens, the finest in the world : 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  390. Carroll Gardens spring planting guide 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  391. Azaleas, gardenias, camellias, and choice evergreens our specialty : fall 1958 - spring 1959 : wholesale price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  392. J. Howard French, bulb importer and seedsman 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  393. The Iris border : 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  394. 1958 hemerocallis and iris 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  395. Enterprise Nurseries : 1958 : growers of quality fruit, shade and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, evergreens, etc 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  396. Perennial list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  397. Dahlias for 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  398. Wholesale price list, no. 2, spring list, 1958 : nothing sold at retail : all stock listed nursery grown, collected stock quoted on request, we are not in the Japanese beetle zone 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  399. Modern mums for 1957-8 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  400. Trees 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  401. 1958 standard varieties 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  402. Krider's "glories of the garden" : for spring 1957, our 62nd year 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  403. 1958 planting time sale 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  404. Fulwood's vegetable plants : wholesale price list season 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  405. Choice gladiolus : the best of recent introductions : spring of 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  406. Forbes Garden Centers : spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  407. Hardy ferns, wild and rock garden plants 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  408. Descriptive price list of ornamental crab apples : [fall 1957?, spring 1958?] 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  409. Strap leaved caladium 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  410. Wholesale price list - 1957-58 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  411. Wholesale price list 1957-58 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  412. Wholesale price list 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  413. Your new 1958 price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  414. Coles fall trade list 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  415. Fall list - 1958 : "newest of new and choicest of old varieties" 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  416. Hemerocallis, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  417. Planting guide 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  418. Bulbs for fall planting...1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  419. Lythrum liners : pot them for spring sales; grow them on for late summer sales, order now for May & June delivery 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  420. 1958 hardy plant specialties : mums, ground covers, primrose, gypsophila, lythrum, evergreen liners 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  421. Price list : fall 1957-spring 1958 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  422. Fragrant prelude 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  423. Wholesale price list : season for fall 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  424. Carroll Gardens : fall 1958, planting guide 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  425. A most modern listing of new and better perennials and other plants and bulbs : wholesale trade list, spring 1958 : our 25th year, 1933 --- 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  426. Kilgore's 1957-58 annual flower and vegetable planting guide 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  427. 1958 catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  428. 1958 : iris, day lilies, peonies 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  429. Matlin's roses : wholesale price list, 1957-1958 delivery 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  430. Spring - 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  431. Henry Field's mid-season sale 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  432. Gove's glad book, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  433. Fieldhouse's "Sultan" : strawberry plant catalog, 1958 edition 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  434. New plant originations : from the University of New Hampshire by the Dr. Yeager team 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  435. Wholesale 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  436. Special mid-summer offer of the finest bulbs, iris, peonies, poppies, etc. : wholesale trade list, July, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  437. Wholesale price list, no. 2, fall and winter 1958 : nothing sold at retail 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  438. Price list of daylilies, iris, oriental poppies, phlox, 'mums : catalog 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  439. Fancier's list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  440. Eisler Nurseries 1958 : compete landscape service 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  441. America's finest : African violets 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  442. Fruit trees and small fruits : commercial fruit growers wholesale price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  443. The granite series of hardy chrysanthemums : originated and named by Prof. Elwyn Meader 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  444. Retail price list 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  445. Northern Calif. grown wholesale rose list : bush, climbing, tree for season 1958-1959 List 5801 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  446. Price list, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  447. Your new nursery catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  448. Shrubs 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  449. Foumal's Gardens 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  450. 1958 annual catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  451. 1958, 13th annual catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  452. Highland seeds : 1958 catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  453. Wholesale price list : season for spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  454. America's holly land 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  455. 1958 catalog : better flowers from better bulbs, grown by bulb specialists : gladiolus, dahlias, begonias, gloxinias, cannas : you must be satisfied is our guarantee 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  456. Gladiolus fancier's guide book 1958 : including Ohio State Gladiolus Society Test Garden report of 1957 gladiolus trials 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  457. Order form and price list : dormant roses 1957-1958 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  458. Catalog 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  459. Cactus, succulents, planters, specimen plants 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  460. Retail price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  461. 1958 price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  462. It's rose time at Cascio's 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  463. Fall bulbs, order now, snapdragon seeds 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  464. New gladiolus varieties : originated and named by Donald Chandler 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  465. Fancy leaved caladium in color 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  466. Descriptive price list : for spring 1958 : our 60th year 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  467. Tung : beauty shade profit 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  468. 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  469. 1958 price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  470. Wholesale price list, fall 1957 & spring 1958 : trees, vines, shrubs, hedge plants 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  471. List of orchid rarities - summer 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  472. Wholesale price list, fall 1958 : millions of quality seedlings 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  473. Chrysanthemum varieties available - 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  474. Fleck's seeds : 1958, our 14th year 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  475. Strawberry plants : 1958 season 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  476. Azaleas, bulbs, camellias : price list 1957-58 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  477. 1958 catalog and price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  478. Fall 1958 wholesale price list : for Holland bulbs of exhibition quality 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  479. Wholesale price list no. 21 : September 1, 1958 : 1855 - 1958, 103rd anniversary 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  480. Winter list 1958 : wholesale list to trade only 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  481. Hemerocallis daylilies 1957-1958 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  482. Dibble's price list : March 6, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  483. Tropical foliage plants : enjoy our free boating and fishing facilities on your next trip to Florida 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  484. 1958 orchid price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  485. Grower's flower seed catalog : for the Pacific Northwest 1957-1958 price list 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  486. Wholesale trade list : spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  487. Fennell's orchid news. 1958 Volume 12, No. 1 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  488. Wholesale catalog, lining out stock : fall, 1957, spring, 1958 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  489. Price list of selected "hand picked" camellias : 1957-1958 season 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  490. Improved and exclusive varieties, hibiscus - crotons - ixoras 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  491. Wholesale price list : fall 1957-- spring 1958 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  492. Spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  493. Garden catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  494. Produce your own exciting plants 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  495. Cato's Nursery : "the house of a million plants" 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  496. Evergreen nurseries : fall, 1957, spring 1958 : wholesale trade list 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  497. Price list 1958 : our ninety-fifth year : trees, berries, shrubs, hedges, evergreens, vines, roses, perennials 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  498. The book of dependable plantings : plate book 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  499. Flower bulbs : trade list, fall 1958, wholesale only 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  500. Glasscock's hybrid peonies : noted for their outstanding color : for something new and different in peonies, plant Glasscock hybrids, the peonies that will brighten the corner where you are 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  501. Forbes seeds for market-gardeners and florists : 1958, our 60th year 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  502. Our informative classified list of the world's finest blue ribbon daffodils and popular older types 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  503. "Irisnoll" 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  504. Cole's spring trade list 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  505. Listing of nursery grown native species of azaleas 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  506. 1958 season 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  507. Keystone vegetable seeds : February 27, 1958, wholesale price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  508. The 103rd Christmas at Craigs, 1856, 1958 : quality built our reputation . . . and keeps us growing 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  509. Thanksgiving 1958 : 1856, our second century of knowing and growing what the public prefers, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  510. 1957-58 price list 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  511. Fall 1957, spring 1958 : wholesale only 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  512. The world's finest roses : fall 1957 - spring 1958 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  513. 21st anniversary and our annual harvest sale : now 2 great events join hands, save 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  514. Roses : wholesale price list, 1957-1958 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  515. Price list fall 1957-spring 1958 : "Hampshire evergreens" 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  516. Robert Craig Company, Norwood, Delaware County, Pa. : 1856, 1958, our second century of knowing and growing what the public prefers 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  517. Robert Craig Company, Norwood, Delaware County, Pa. : 1856, our second century of knowing and growing what the public prefers, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  518. 1958 garden mums 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  519. Wholesale nursery stock - Christmas trees 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  520. Catalog 1958-1959 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  521. Wholesale trade list : liners and finished stock : February 10, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  522. Orchids and bromeliads 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  523. Land o'daylilies 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  524. Henry Field's catalog for fall 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  525. Introductions 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  526. Eberle's zinnias 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  527. 1958 Echo Valley Floral Gardens : originator - importers and exporters : garden chrysanthemums, fine dahlias : Japanese iris, heuchera (coral bells), hemerocallis, Oriental poppies and other perennials 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  528. Egyptian Nursery and Landscape Company 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  529. Lining out stock : fall '57, spring '58 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  530. Roses for 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  531. 1958-59 catalog : wholesale 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  532. Retail price list : landscape plants, shade trees : winter 1957-58 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  533. Fuchsias : "in all their glory" 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  534. Northern grown evergreens : seedlings transplants : grower's guide, wholesale list for 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  535. Henry Field's catalog for spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  536. Champion's 1958 planting guide : roses, shrubs, shade trees, fruit trees, vines 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  537. Wholesale price list, spring 1958 : begonias, dahlias, gladiolus, lilies 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  538. 1958 irises, hemerocallis, hostas, poppies 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  539. Camellias for 1957-58 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  540. Fall 1958 : wholesale only 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  541. Here is America's most amazing rose offer for... 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  542. Fall grain seed, 1958 catalog 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  543. Container stock 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  544. To my gladiolus friends and customers 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  545. Condon's 1958 annual catalog of seeds, plants, bulbs and fruits 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  546. Tropical plant material : dish garden plants, cactus, succulents 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  547. Interesting facts about American hollies 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  548. The finest in Oriental poppies, 1958 : the aristocratic tree peonies 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  549. Garden center 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  550. Gardening in California 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  551. Disco seeds : over 50 years of dependable service : seed guide 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  552. List 5859 : wholesale price list for season 1958-1959 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  553. Palms 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  554. Wholesale price list : bedding plants, lining out stock, b & b shrubs, canned shrubs 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  555. New Holland miniatures 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  556. [Fall] 1958 list of modern perennials for fall planting 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  557. Wholesale price list 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  558. Imported bulbs for lovely spring flowers 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  559. Central Nursery Company's unlimited quantities, amazing additions 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  560. Seeds, bulbs, plants, fertilizers, insecticides and garden supplies : spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  561. Roy Carter, Seedsman : wholesale list to trade only, summer list, 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  562. Hemerocallis 1958 new registrations : real values - reasonable prices 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  563. Introducing Celosia Gilbertia : reg. U. S. Patent Office : Gilbert's new penny 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  564. Hardy garden "mums" : daylilies, Siberian iris : wholesale listing, spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  565. Florida nursery garden news : April, 1957 Vol. V, No. 1 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  566. Daylilies price list 1958 : let's plant daylilies, more garden beauty, less labor 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  567. Azaleas, greenhouse plants, evergreens : wholesale price list 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  568. Price list, fall and winter 1958 : perennials, annuals, bulbs & roses, pansies a specialty 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  569. Wholesale price list, fall 1957, spring 1958 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  570. Wholesale price list, spring 1958 : rooted cutting, lining-out-stock, finished stock 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  571. How to grow your own shrubs & trees from seed : your planting guide 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  572. 1957 distributor-wholesale price list winrock zoysia grasses (confidential) 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  573. Certified strawberry & raspberry plants 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  574. "Wallace" 1957 iris offerings 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  575. Supplemental price list for 1957 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  576. Wholesale contract and descriptive trade list : 1957 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  577. Submit the following list of stock for fall, winter and spring - 1957 : effective February 1, 1957 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  578. Container grown stock for immediate delivery : catalog supplement for July 1958 : wholesale only 1958   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  579. African violets : fresh cut leaves 1957 rooted leaves 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  580. Oregon grown roses for 1957 1957   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  581. Farm seed price list : February 13th, 1956 1956   (added: 11/12/2023 )
  582. Andrews Nursery and Garden Center, spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  583. The 1958 all-America winners 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  584. A catalogue of grape vines for wine and table 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  585. 1958 Burpee seeds : the best that grow 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  586. Hemerocallis and hosta : price list, season 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  587. Retail price list, season 1958-59 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  588. Catalog price list, 1958-59 : fruit trees, nut trees, berries, shade trees, grape vines 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  589. Wholesale price list for seed dealers only : March, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  590. Wholesale price list, fall 1957 : since 1923 home of America's loveliest evergreens, guaranteed to live 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  591. Wholesale price list : January 21, 1957 1957-0121   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  592. 1958 our new introductions 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  593. Warmenhoven amaryllis : the world's most treasured winter-flowering plant 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  594. Northern grown trees, shrubs and seeds : this wholesale list cancels all previous lists 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  595. Arenius gladiolus for 1958 : 35th year of quality bulbs 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  596. Announcing the opening of our new 1957 garden center 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  597. Special quotations D-527 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  598. Tuberous begonias, hemerocallis (daylilies) 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  599. Spring 1958, trade list Bulletin no. 2 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  600. 1958 garden annual 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  601. Buell's gloxinia hybrids and African violets : 1958-1959 catalog 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  602. Woodruff grass roots 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  603. 1957 catalog : specimen trees, shrubs and evergreens, roses, hardy perennials, etc 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  604. Dig & dung, sales and service bulletin. dahlias for fifty-seven Vol. 24, no. 1 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  605. Wholesale prices - 1957 - lining out stock 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  606. 1958 dahlia root price list 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  607. Bristol mums, autumn's warmest breath, fine new plants : 1958 spring catalog 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  608. Retail price list : fruits, nut, shade trees, berries, roses, flowering shrubs, evergreens & grasses 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  609. 1957 retail price list : strawberries 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  610. Woodside vine seeds : 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  611. Wayside Gardens root strength 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  612. Beauties for your garden : peonies, iris, poppies, hemerocallis, bulbs : 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  613. Wholesale price list, spring 1957 : our 29th year, 1928-1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  614. 1957 : our seeds grow friends : our 35th year 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  615. February 20, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  616. 1958 Burrell's better seeds 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  617. Spring catalog, garden, flower and field seeds 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  618. Barteldes seeds, 1958 our 91st year : beauty and abundance from your own garden 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  619. Container grown stock - for immediate delivery 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  620. Spring 1958 : evergreens, special shrubs, lining-out stock, knives and shears : wholesale only 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  621. Gladiolus of distinction for 1958 : grow the 1958 all America gladiolus 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  622. 1958 catalog 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  623. Flower bulbs : for 1958-59 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  624. Newest improved pedigreed Bagley better seed : scientifically bred and produced to make you more corn, maize and cotton dollars 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  625. Price list 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  626. Liners that live : and grow : shrubs, vines, broadleaf evergreens, evergreen grafts, shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreens, fruit tree stock 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  627. Contract list 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  628. 1958 price list 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  629. Beldt's Aquarium Inc 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  630. Hardy perennials over 600 varieties and hardy boxwood : wholesale tradelist, fall 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  631. Hardy easy-to-grow plants for more ducks, better sport 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  632. Peonies, iris, daylilies : for 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  633. Shenandoah Valley seed news, 1911 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  634. Hardy Nikko blue hydrangea : the most beautiful hardy blue hydrangea 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  635. Burpee bulbs for fall planting 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  636. 1957 wholesale price list 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  637. What's new for spring 1957 at Yeagle's : seedling specialists : 36 years of dependability : fine quality snapdragons our specialty 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  638. Wholesale price list of gladiolus bulbs 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  639. 1883 74th annual catalog 1957 : Pioneer Seedhouse Nursery & Greenhouses of the Northwest, seed corn specialists 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  640. Rooted clumps and plant list, basic list for 1957 : retail, wholesale 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  641. Mention price list no. 502 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  642. 1958 spring and fall : growers of choice peonies, own root lilacs, the best in iris, also hardy phlox, gladiolus, flowering crabs, garden chrysanthemums, and other perennials 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  643. Better gardens : 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  644. Our hardy primrose gardens are open to visitors May 1 to 15 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  645. Ball mums, plants 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  646. Holland bulbs 1957 : planting guide 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  647. Special quotations D-518 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  648. Trees and shrubs : how to start them indoors from seed 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  649. Beauty from bulbs : spring 1957 : superior varieties of flowering bulbs of proven merit - highest quality : for spring planting, summer and fall flowering 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  650. Wholesale trade list - spring, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  651. Peonies, 1958-1959 : officinalis peonies, fernleaved peonies, cut flower peonies, exhibition peonies, species peonies 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  652. America's finest fuchsia collection : 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  653. Hardy grafted nut trees, price list : plant nut trees and enjoy their beauty, shade and vitamin-rich fruit 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  654. Blueberries : luscious, beautiful, profitable : from certified plants produced in our nurseries 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  655. Perennials, a specialty : wholesale price list, fall, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  656. Floral treasures of the world 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  657. Better plants for New England : 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  658. Growers of reliable nursery stock 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  659. Dr. Kraus' daylilies from Oregon 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  660. 1958 price list, growers of fine hybrid hibiscus 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  661. Primroses from Sky Hook 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  662. Worley's fine fruit trees 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  663. Benton County Nursery's sensational family orchard, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  664. Brownell rose bushes : save replacement expenses 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  665. Wild flowers and ferns : to brighten a shady nook 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  666. 1957 spring offerings 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  667. Stassen Floral Gardens, Inc., Roslyn Heights, L.I., N.Y 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  668. 1958 price list 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  669. 1957 wholesale trade list : of hardy native lilies, orchids, ferns, aquatic and bog plants, wild flowers, deciduous trees, shrubs, and evergreens 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  670. Fall 1958, trade list Bulletin no. 1 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  671. Wholesale price list, fall-1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  672. Wholesale only : trade list -- spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  673. Special consumer's wholesale price list : fall 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  674. 1958 - - - 47th year 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  675. 1957 spring catalog : geraniums for brilliant beauty 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  676. Special quotations D-519 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  677. It's bulb time 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  678. Beautiful geraniums for your home 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  679. Gigantic winter sale, spring 1958 : fine cattleya and vanda hybrids from time-tested parents 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  680. Evergreen grafts 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  681. Wholesale price list 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  682. 1958 : its the crop that counts 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  683. Supplemental offering : cattleyas at budget prices 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  684. Wholesale catalog, fall 1958, spring 1959 : better quality, better value 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  685. Price list - fall, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  686. Succulent order blank : wholesale only 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  687. Liners for spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  688. Barnhaven's plant liquidation sale, summer-fall, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  689. Special quotations D-523 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  690. Price list for 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  691. Special quotations D-528 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  692. Retail prices : spring - fall - 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  693. Wholesale price list, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  694. Your 1957 guide to full profit sales : lawn seed, lawn food, spreaders, cultivators 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  695. Price list, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  696. 1957 wholesale price list peonies, iris, daylilies 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  697. Carnation : variety list, descriptions & prices : complete with new introductions 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  698. Wholesale price list, fall 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  699. Hardy wild flowers and ferns : catalog for spring and fall 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  700. Tuberous begonia price list 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  701. Shrubs and trees from seed 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  702. August 15, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  703. Bober's 40th anniversary : 1958 seed catalog for field and garden 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  704. 1958 all America rose selections 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  705. Price list of tree seeds, October 15, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  706. How to care for your mango tree 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  707. Shrubs, trees, evergreens, hedge plants and vines 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  708. Brydon's rhododendrons and azaleas 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  709. Liners that live : and grow! 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  710. Moses' famous gladiolus 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  711. For California's finest container grown nursery stock : July 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  712. Wholesale price list # 1 : June 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  713. Delphinium culture guide : and price list : also other spring plants 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  714. Breeder's registered Stoneville 3202 : the high producing cotton with extra earliness 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  715. 1957 market gardener's price list 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  716. Somerset's wholesale catalog : seeds, plants, insecticides for 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  717. Sterling's 1957 catalog : vegetable seeds, flower seeds, plants, roses, peat moss, fertilizers, insecticides, etc 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  718. Saunders Miami brand : farm & garden seeds 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  719. 1957 catalogue 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  720. Retail price list August, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  721. Rainbow colors for your garden : 1957 gladiolus catalog 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  722. Florists' review v.53:1 (1923-1924)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  723. Gli animali da trasporto nell'Egitto greco, romano e bizantino   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  724. The marketing of fish in Canada : an interim report on the west coast fisheries : interim report II   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  725. Waterfowl of Illinois : status and management, W-110-R-1, annual federal aid performance report, 1 July 1990 through 30 June 1991   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  726. Current status and distribution of the swamp rabbit in Illinois : final report   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  727. Canadian forestry statistics = Statistiques forestières du Canada 1994   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  728. The commercial fisheries of Canada ; prepared by the Department of Fisheries of Canada and the Fisheries Research Board Sept 1956   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  729. Wholesale price list : prices for merchants only - spring season, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  730. Fall 1958, spring 1959 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  731. Fall 1958 and spring 1959 : evergreens, special shrubs, lining-out stock, container grown stock and shears : wholesale only 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  732. Faune parisienne, insects. : Ou Histoire abrégée des insects des environs de Paris, classes d'aprés le systême de Fabricius; précédée d'un discours sur les insects en général, pour servir d'introduction à l'étude de l'entomologie Vol. 1   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  733. Garden book 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  734. 1957 gladiolus 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  735. Dehydration of fruits and vegetables   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  736. 1958 spring offering - flowering size plants 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  737. Gladiolus for 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  738. 1958 catalogue of "sterling quality" seeds : vegetable, flower, field and lawn : vegetable seeds (asgrow bred), flower seeds (bodger grown) 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  739. Laboratory analyses of game and game foods 1969-1970   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  740. Wholesale price list 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  741. Florists' review v.49:2 (1922)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  742. Sulfate saline water and its influence on selected aquatic vertebrates : research project technical completion report   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  743. Rhododendrons for the connoisseur : fall 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  744. Marsh raccoon control   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  745. Fall 1958 - spring 1959 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  746. Wholesale price list 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  747. Florists' review v.45:2 (1920)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  748. Florists' review v.45:1 (1919-1920)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  749. The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology v.12 (1903)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  750. Florists' review v.43:2 (1919)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  751. Studies in microscopical science v.2   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  752. Plantenkunde voor apothekers en artsen of beschrijvingen der geneeskrachtige planten : naar de natuurlijke familien van het plantenrijk Vol. 1   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  753. Armstrong Nurseries fruit introductions : the most profitable picks 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  754. Wholesale price list : spring, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  755. Eight years of extension predator-control in Missouri   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  756. Wholesale price list : spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  757. 1957 : established 1878 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  758. Retail and wholesale price list 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  759. Beschreibung zur Arzeney dienlicher Pflanzen welche in den Reichen des mittägigen America in Peru und Chili vorzüglich im Gebrauche sind, : in dem Lande selbst aus königlichen Befehl aufgesezet 2   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  760. 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  761. Autumn planting 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  762. Beschreibung zur Arzeney dienlicher Pflanzen welche in den Reichen des mittägigen America in Peru und Chili vorzüglich im Gebrauche sind, : in dem Lande selbst aus königlichen Befehl aufgesezet 1   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  763. A review of the genus Hypochilus and a description of a new species from Colorado (Araneae, Hypochilidae) no. 2203   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  764. Ballseeds 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  765. Anguid lizards of the genus Diploglossus in Panama, with the description of a new species no. 2523   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  766. Rose special : 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  767. The larvae of the Anthophoridae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part 1 Introduction, Eucerini, and Centridini (Anthophorinae) no. 2233   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  768. Wilmat hollies : 1957, evergreen red berried English - Chinese - American : descriptions and trade list 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  769. Relationships of the saurischian dinosaurs no. 2181   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  770. How to grow cultivated blueberries 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  771. A continental Paleocene vertebrate fauna from California no. 2024   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  772. Fine lawn grasses 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  773. Notes on Mexican tiger beetles belonging to the genus Cicindela (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae) no. 2025   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  774. Fuchsias 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  775. Iris for 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  776. Bunton's lawn & garden guide for 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  777. A revision of the fossil genus Ulmeriella (Isoptera, Hodotermitidae, Hodotermitinae) no. 2332   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  778. Rhododendrons of distinction 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  779. Coelacanth fishes from the continental Triassic of the western United States no. 2036   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  780. Journal of conchology v.38:no.1-3 (2003:Aug.-2004:July)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  781. Wholesale trade list, spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  782. The larvae of the Anthophoridae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Part 3 The Melectini, Ericrocini, and Rhathymini no. 2382   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  783. Wholesale Christmas trees, fall 1958 season 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  784. Michenia, a new protolabine (Mammalia, Camelidae) and a brief review of the early taxonomic history of the genus Protolabis no. 2444   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  785. Bench breeze : for florists and growers everywhere No. 6 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  786. Glads for 1958 : miniature, novelties, large flowered, newest releases, commercial varieties, recent introductions 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  787. An addition to the fauna of the United States, the Chihuahua ridge-nosed rattlesnake in New Mexico no. 2064   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  788. Berry's seed guide and catalog 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  789. Myer's black walnut : hazel, chestnut, heartnut, filbert, butterjap, butternut, black-walnut, English walnut 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  790. Classification of the Bivalvia no. 2206   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  791. Supplemental offering, revised : flowering size plants at budget prices 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  792. A revision of the parasitic fly genus Polistiopsis Townsend (Diptera, Tachinidae) no. 2241   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  793. 1958 camellia prices 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  794. Gladiolus fall 1958 wholesale prices 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  795. Bolitoglossa taylori, a new salamander from cloud forest of the SerraniМЃa de Pirre, eastern Panama no. 2430   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  796. The Adams County Nursery and Fruit Farms : for 53 years, 1958 : 1905 - 1958 growers of fine fruit trees, sold direct from nursery to the planter 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  797. The differential characteristics of the Mexican snakes related to Geophis dubius (Peters) no. 2277   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  798. Peonies, 1958-1959 : herbaceous hybrid peonies, lutea hybrid tree peonies, Japanese tree peonies, tree peony seeds 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  799. Bench breeze : for florists and growers everywhere No. 5 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  800. Taxonomic notes on birds of prey no. 2166   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  801. You get better quality for less...at our garden center 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  802. Results of the zoological explorations of Dr. E. [i.e. Z.] Kaszab in Mongolia 202 Thysanura and Microcoryphia (Insecta) no. 2401   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  803. Special quotations D-520 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  804. Peonies, daylilies, iris : 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  805. Azalea liners absolutely free : banded 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  806. Aspects of oral brooding in the cardinalfish Cheilodipterus affinis Poey (Apogonidae) no. 2456   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  807. Carnations, rooted cuttings : 1958 price list 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  808. Special quotations D-521 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  809. Special quotations D-521 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  810. Queensland Agricultural Journal new ser. vol.14-15 (1920-1921)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  811. Zilke's plants, trees, shrubs, bulbs, evergreens, roses : 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  812. Systematic notes on the bird family Cracidae No. 5 Penelope purpurascens, Penelope jacquacМ§u, and Penelope obscura no. 2250   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  813. 1957 our 50th anniversary : Chief and Paduke brands 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  814. Hardy nut trees : for shade and profitable crops 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  815. Small rotenone stations : a tool for studying coral reef fish communities no. 2512   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  816. Spring 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  817. Special quotations D-525 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  818. Some land planarians from Caribbean countries no. 2110   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  819. 1957 annual catalog : "true-to-name" dahlias with history and culture 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  820. New and little known ricinuleids of the genus Cryptocellus (Arachnida, Ricinulei) no. 2530   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  821. Bodger seeds - 1958 crop 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  822. Kunturu, an Aboriginal sacred site on Lake Moore, Western Australia no. 2327   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  823. Greetings from "Tulipdom" 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  824. Burgess, 1958 : this catalog good until Dec. 31, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  825. Special fall 1958 bulb price list 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  826. A new actinopterygian fish from the Cretaceous of North America no. 2344   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  827. Wholesale prices - 1957 - landscape size stock 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  828. Mums for 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  829. A new genus of pseudophloeine bugs from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Heteroptera, Coreoidea) no. 2493   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  830. Hardy perennials over 600 varieties and hardy boxwood : wholesale tradelist, spring 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  831. Stratigraphy of China v.1   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  832. Seed annual for 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  833. Wood's fall catalogue 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  834. 1958 spring catalog 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  835. The tarsus of the Paleocene lepticid Prodiacodon (Insectivora, Mammalia) no. 2267   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  836. Orchids, tropical foliage plants : 1958-1959 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  837. Offering - seedlings & established propagations 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  838. Life history and immature stages of the bee Neofidelia (Hymenoptera, Fideliidae) no. 2519   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  839. Sarcoxie Nurseries Peony Fields : specializing in fine horticultural plant varieties since 1875 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  840. Perennials, a specialty : wholesale price list, spring, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  841. Notes on nighthawks of the genus Chordeiles in southern Middle America, with a description of a new race of Chordeiles minor breeding in PanamaМЃ no. 2094   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  842. Newest releases 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  843. Revision of Rhinastus and description of a new species of Cholus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Cholinae) no. 2517   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  844. Hardy perennial plants : season 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  845. Seeds "nature's best", 1958 : restricted list of fine stocks 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  846. Hyrachyus, Chasmotherium, and the early evolution of helaletid tapiroids no. 2313   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  847. Wholesale price list - season 1958-1959 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  848. Hardy primrose plants : (from hand-pollinated seed) 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  849. Notes on Peromyscus (Muridae) of Mexico and Central America no. 2357   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  850. Epiphyllum species and their hybrids and other forms of epiphytic cacti and their care and culture Descriptive list no. 13 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  851. Bench breeze : for florists and growers everywhere No. 3 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  852. Queensland Agricultural Journal new ser. vol.12 (1919)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  853. Gardening in California : 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  854. Queensland Agricultural Journal vol.17 (1906)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  855. Bosley rose news 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  856. Notes on and descriptions of North American Eupithecia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) no. 2147   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  857. Our chatty nook : 1957 - from the home of many champions - 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  858. 1957 price list 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  859. Remarks on Triton ranzanii Bianconi (Mollusca, Gastropoda) no. 2108   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  860. Breedlove Nurseries growers of fine roses for 31 years : in the rose garden of the world 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  861. 1957 retail price list, winrock zoysia grasses 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  862. Growing our American holly (Ilex opaca) in the north 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  863. Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 92 Taxonomic notes on Rattus dollmani and Rattus hellwaldi (Rodentia, Muridae) of Celebes no. 2386   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  864. Buist's seeds : 1958 garden guide, 130th year, 1828-1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  865. Wholesale price list, spring 1957 : our 33rd year offering healthy and hardy evergreens from Maine, guarenteed to live 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  866. New species and records of cavernicolous pseudoscorpions of the genus Microcreagris (Arachnida, Chelonethida, Neobisiidae, Ideobisiinae) no. 2392   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  867. Grow your own trees from seeds : a planting guide 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  868. 1957 dealer price list, winrock zoysia grasses 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  869. Systematic notes on Palearctic birds No. 43 Strigidae, the genera Otus, Aegolius, Ninox, and Tyto no. 2021   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  870. Better plants for less money 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  871. The Chainpur meteorite no. 2173   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  872. Wholesale spring 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  873. Spring 1958, trade list Bulletin no. 1 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  874. Queensland Agricultural Journal new ser. vol.16-17 (1921-1922)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  875. Yeagle's wholesale price list, fall, 1957 : seedling specialists : 36 years of dependability : fine quality snapdragons our specialty 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  876. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. taxonomic review of Chalinolobus picatus, C. nigrogriseus, and C. rogersi No. 95 The genus Chalinolobus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) no. 2468   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  877. Beautiful roses : direct from our rose farm to your garden 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  878. The relationships of the American phytosaur Rutiodon no. 2095   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  879. Iris 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  880. The Year book for 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  881. Hardy chrysanthemums for 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  882. Wholesale only : trade list -- fall 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  883. 1958 wholesale list, dahlias 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  884. Wholesale prices, spring 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  885. Sternophorid pseudoscorpions, chiefly from Florida no. 2150   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  886. Your price list 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  887. Origin of the Weberian apparatus and the relationships of the ostariophysan and gonorynchiform fishes no. 2428   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  888. 1957 iris catalogue and hybridizer's handbook 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  889. Tait's thorobred seeds : our 88th annual catalog, 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  890. Wood's special, prices for market gardeners and truckers 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  891. Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 82 The crane flies of the Fourth Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (Diptera, Tipulidae) no. 2073   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  892. Wholesale trade list - spring 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  893. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière : avec la description du cabinet du roy t.40=suppl.3 (1776)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  894. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 25:no.1   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  895. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute v.2 (1967-1968)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  896. Raspberries 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  897. Bench breeze : for florists and growers everywhere No. 4 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  898. Fall '58 catalog issue : Barnes Barn garden bulletin 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  899. Wholesale price list for fall 1958 and spring 1959 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  900. Beautiful native plants : from the high plains, Badlands and Black Hills, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  901. A revision of the Indomalayan termite genus Homallotermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Termitinae) no. 2489   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  902. Wholesale price list of general nursery stock : fall 1958, spring 1959 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  903. How, when, where and what to plant : Barr's : 1893-1958, 65 years 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  904. Bulletin v.134 (1955)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  905. Long Island's largest nurseries : our fall, 1958 spring, 1959 catalogue 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  906. Wholesale list, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  907. Queensland Agricultural Journal vol.13 (1903)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  908. Chrysanthemums : new additions and procurements for spring 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  909. Systematic and biogeographical relationships of some Dugesia species (Tricladida, Paludicola) from Central and South America no. 2472   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  910. Allen's wholesale price list, spring 1958 : fruits-berries, shades-shrubs, vines-hedges, roses-bulbs 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  911. The Iris rainbow 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  912. Special quotations D-522 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  913. A revision of the rove-beetle genus Charhyphus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Phloeocharinae) no. 2496   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  914. Archias' seed annual : 1958, since 1884 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  915. Liners that live! 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  916. Index to plant chromosome numbers v. 58 1996   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  917. 1958 California garden book 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  918. Catalog for spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  919. Queensland Agricultural Journal new ser. vol.13 (1920)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  920. Flower bulbs 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  921. Home orchard and landscaping guide 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  922. Queensland Agricultural Journal vol.15 (1904-1905)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  923. Northern grown trees, shrubs and seeds : this wholesale list cancels all previous lists 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  924. Queensland Agricultural Journal new ser. vol.8 (1917)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  925. Special quotations D-526 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  926. Breeding poultry for exhibition   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  927. Boyd's wholesale trade list fall 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  928. Mention price list no. 510 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  929. Wood's crop special : giving timely information and prices of seasonable seeds 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  930. Preparing poultry for exhibition   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  931. 1957 catalog 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  932. Spring 1957 catalog 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  933. Information and descriptions of our pea and bean varieties 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  934. Results of the 1958-1959 Gilliard New Britain Expedition 5 A new species of Pteropus (Mammalia, Pteropodidae) from New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago no. 2371   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  935. The new 1957 garden book 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  936. Wholesale price list of general nursery stock : spring 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  937. Iris and daylilies : catalog for 1957 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  938. Florists' review v.57:2 (1925-1926)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  939. Money grows on trees 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  940. Our 30th anniversary year, 1927-1957 : 30 years specializing in lilies 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  941. Wholesale price list, spring-1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  942. Queensland Agricultural Journal new ser. vol.11 (1919)   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  943. [Order forms] 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  944. Antonelli Brothers begonia gardens 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  945. Westhauser's 20th century 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  946. Wholesale price list for the trade only : fall 1958, spring 1959 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  947. Our 30th year, 1928 - 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  948. Seed annual, 1957 : market gardeners 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  949. Daffodils for the connoisseur and the beginner : also Dutch iris - hyacinths, tulips : spring - 1957 - fall 1957   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  950. Choice iris and hemerocallis, 1958 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  951. Packaged flower bulbs and perennials 1958   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  952. 1957 [catalog] 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  953. 1957 catalog : rooted cuttings, fresh cut leaves 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  954. Price list - 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  955. Thousands of wild ducks : come swarming in to feed on Terrell's wild duck millet! 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  956. Remember us? 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  957. Novelty orchid hybrids, finest new varieties : spring 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  958. Orchid hybrids, finest new varieties : late spring 1957 : super special 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  959. 1957 catalog 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  960. Azaleas 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  961. Catalog of flower seed, vegetable seed, bulbs, etc 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  962. Nursery catalog for 1957 : roses, shrubs, trees, vines, fruits, bulbs, perennials 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  963. Fruit trees : flowering shrubs, vines, roses, for this climate 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  964. Wholesale price list and order form for 1957-1958 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  965. Flower : 1957 wholesale prices : gladiolus, caladiums, dahlias, lilies, amaryllis, and other bulbs & tubers 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  966. Beauty from bulbs : fall 1957 : superior varieties of flowering bulbs of highest quality, fall planting 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  967. Fall 1957 wholesale trade price list 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  968. Ryerson 1957 expansible folder - hybrid orchid seed : hybrid phalaenopsis seed 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  969. Sargent's Red Wing Nursery, 1957 our 29th year 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  970. Riverview Orchids : greenhouses, Anerson Boulevard, East Liverpool, Ohio 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  971. Stephens, wholesale price list 1957-58 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  972. Wholesale price list for dealers only 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  973. Ryerson 1957 expansible folder - hybrid orchid seed 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  974. 1957 chrysanthemums : year round schedules for pots and cut flowers, garden mums, cultural information : bulbs, plants, seeds, sundries 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  975. Gladiolus for 1957 : from the garden of 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  976. Palms specimen trees : wholesale growers : 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  977. Daylilies, 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  978. Fall sale 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  979. Trade price list, 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  980. Cattleyas and allied hybrids 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  981. Verkade's lining out stock and azalea price list, for forcing and growing on for 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  982. Fall flower bulbs, imported & domestic : 1957 wholesale prices 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  983. Spring 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  984. Special list : new low prices on transplanted evergreens-prepaid for shipment at planting time, spring 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  985. Wholesale price list, spring 1957 : trees, shrubs, evergreens, vines & fruit trees 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  986. Wholesale price list for spring and fall 1957 : hardy, excellent root system, sturdy, seedlings and transplants (mainly evergreen) 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  987. Wholesale price list : fall 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  988. Information book on vegetable seeds for your home garden 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  989. Spring 1957 : be up to date - grow the little ones 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  990. Wholesale roses, the best for less 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  991. Schaan's iris gardens : 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  992. Reynolds Gardens, "for the flower hobbyist", Armonk, New York 1957-02   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  993. Wholesale price list : spring 1957 1957-0210   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  994. Catalogue of Dutch bulbs 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  995. Wholesale price list : (effective August 1, 1957), advance bookings on all items solicited 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  996. Retail price list, April-May, 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  997. 1957 - price list and new varieties for delivery - 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  998. Shoemaker's garden book, 1957 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  999. Gladiolius [sic] 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )
  1000. 1957 wholesale catalog : bulbs, plants, seeds, supplies 1957   (added: 10/29/2023 )